A history of lending experience spanning decades as Albert Alloo & Sons Lawyers Nominee Company Limited, now as Obsidian Group Limited, we are a registered MIS-Other scheme under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
The Scheme invests primarily in loans secured by mortgage on real property.
A key difference between our Scheme and others is that Obsidian Group Limited provides Members with the opportunity to see where their money has been invested in a specific security.
We offer Members (investors):
- An income stream at a level typically higher than bank deposits.
- We lend to prescribed limits to mitigate against downward movements in the property market.
- Loans secured by commercial, industrial, residential or rural mortgage.
- A history of experience spanning over 50 years with Albert Alloo & Sons Lawyers Nominee Company. Now as Obsidian Group Limited we are a registered MIS-Other scheme under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.
We offer Borrowers:
- Access to lending for commercial property.
- Do you have substantial offshore income that is difficult to access because of New Zealand regulations?
- Are you finding age a barrier to borrowing?
This PDS dated 29 April 2021 has been lodged on the Disclose Register. This PDS replaces the PDS issued by Obsidian Group Limited on 24 October 2019. This can be obtained by clicking above, or contacting Obsidian Group Limited's office on 03 425 0642 or 021 799 719 or via email at enquiries@obsidiangroup.co.nz.