Your investment possibilities at a glance:
As a Member you can invest in the Scheme by making contributions into your Member Account. A Member Account can be opened at any time.
When we offer a loan investment in the Scheme to a Member, the offer will remain open until the funds required are satisfied in full and the funds are advanced to the Borrower.
There are conditions attached to all specific loans Members invest in through the Scheme. As each loan investment is different a separate and unique Term Sheet is issued for each loan.
Access quarterly interest payments:
All loans are arranged, assessed, managed and administered by Obsidian Group Limited, with quarterly interest payments being made into each Member Account in proportion to their interest in a loan (after fees, taxes and expenses). On maturity of a loan a Member's interest in a loan is repaid as cash into their Member Account.
Returns are currently made to Members by way of quarterly interest payments less deductions from borrowers. The majority of loans are advanced on an interest only basis without principal being repaid unless by prior arrangement.
Established terms around loans:
Each loan typically has a maximum term of three years and are interest only. All loan repayments are closely monitored by Obsidian Group Limited and any default payments are quickly addressed.
This investment only provides income plus repayment of initial capital (subject to market conditions and borrower ability to repay). There is no capital gain with this investment. Repayment of capital advanced is made at the end of the loan term.
If the lender is unable to repay the capital at the expiry of the loan, there are a number of options to recover the funds.
All borrowers have to satisfy lending requirements as set out in the SIPO.
Things to know before you apply:
The minimum investment amount is currently $50,000 and there are fees associated with investing in the Scheme. Fees are deducted from your investment and will reduce your returns.
We invest your money for a set period and these funds are not typically accessible before this period has ended.
Similar to any management investment scheme there is no guarantee of capital return.
There are fees and charges associated with this type of investment and these can reduce the rate payable to the investor.
There is a risk you may lose some or all of the money you invest.
By investing in this Scheme you are relying on the expertise of Obsidian Group Limited and returns from the loans you choose to help fund and invest in.
Investment in the Scheme will not be suitable for all retail investors.